Date: 10 January 2025
Summary of PSCBC Media Statement on Public Service Wage Negotiations:• Parties to the PSCBC met on the 08 January 2025 in order to discuss the wage negotiations.
pdf PSCBC Resolution 3 of 2023, Enforcement of Collective Agreements in the Public Service (349 KB)
31 March 2023
The Public Service Co-ordinating Bargaining Council (PSCBC) is pleased to announce that Government and majority unions have reached an agreement on the payment of a salary adjustment for employees employed in the public service for the financial years 2023/2024 and 2024/2025.
The majority of trade unions who signed the agreement are HOSPERSA, NAPTOSA, PSA, and SADTU. Together these unions form a 53,9% majority in favour of the agreement. NEHAWU, POPCRU, DENOSA and SAPU, opted not to sign the agreement as per the mandate given by their members.
The parties to the Council commenced the wage negotiations on 17 February 2023 at the PSCBC and the signing of this agreement today, 31 March 2023 marks the conclusion of the wage negotiations.
In an attempt to bring the salaries of public servants in line with the market, parties agreed to a two-year multi-term agreement. For the financial year 2023/2024, the employer shall pay employees on salary levels 1 – 12 including those remunerated in terms of an OSD in the Public Service an average increase of 7.5%.
For the financial year 2024/2025, the employer shall pay employees on salary levels 1 – 12 including those remunerated in terms of an OSD in the Public Service a pensionable salary increase of a capped Projected CPI between 4,5% and 6.5%. This means that in the event that the Projected CPI percentage for 2024/2025 is less than 4.5%, the Projected CPI for the relevant period will be deemed to be 4.5% and, in the event, the Projected CPI for the relevant period is above 6.5%, the Projected CPI will be deemed to be 6.5%.
Parties also agreed that the employer shall process the payment of the pay progression to all qualifying employees in the public service in line with the applicable sectoral agreement.
On Government Employee Housing Scheme (GEHS), parties agreed to expedite the decisions on the implementation of the GEHS as agreed to during the Public Service Summit and these are entrenched in PSCBC Resolution 1 of 2022.
The PSCBC applauds parties to Council for their commitment to the wage negotiation process, which resulted in the signing of the agreement before the commencement of the new financial year. The signing of the multi-term agreement allows for some stability to focus on implementing various PSCBC agreements, including the Public Sector Summit agreement.
Issued by: Frikkie De Bruin - PSCBC General Secretary
Media Enquiries: Oomang Parag - 0823191198
22 March 2023
The South African Democratic Teachers ’Union ( an affiliate of COSATU, together with the unions affiliated to the Federation of Unions of South Africa ( namely NAPTOSA, PSA, HOSPERSA and SAOU, driven by the mandate from members, have since the 17th of February 2023 engaged in wage negotiations for 2023/24 at the Public Service Co ordinating Bargaining Council. Together, these unions form a 53,9% majority in the Council.
13 March 2023
The PSCBC has noted the ongoing strike action by NEHAWU, initiated on the 6th March 2023 and the effect that this has had on service delivery across the country. This industrial action emanates from the outstanding dispute regarding the implementation of the previous leg 2022/2023 cost of living adjustment (COLA), on the part of the employer. A facilitation process was initiated on the 9th March 2023, as a means of breaking the impasse between parties. The state as the employer together with the Trade Unions NEHAWU joined by POPCRU, DENOSA & SAPU deliberated on chartering a way forward. The robust discussions and engagements continued through the weekend and culminated in a settlement agreement for the facilitation process.
The key elements of the agreement include:
This agreement serves as the conclusion of the dispute between parties and initiates the return of the Trade Unions to Council.
We as the PSCBC are elated that Parties could engage in constructive collective bargaining processes and find mutual ground in concluding an agreement. We are pleased that parties engaged in good faith negotiations that benefit both employees and employers, and foster a positive working relationship. As we welcome back parties to the Council, we would like to express our appreciation to the majority of trade unions and the employer that have continued to ensure the functionality of Council during this time.
Issued: General Secretary PSCBC, Frikkie De Bruin
Media enquiries: Oomang Parag, Manager: Communications, 0823191198,